Project Redsand CIO

Meet the Team

Meet the teams:

Management and Working party members.

How we run the ​organisation:

Being that Redsand Army Sea Forts were ​originally run by the MOD and in Particular ​the British Army we are ranking ourselves in ​a Millitary order so as to clearly define our ​members and their roles.

Management Team / Project Trustees

David Foulkes

Mechanical & ​Fabrication Co-​ordinator

(WO 1) (Dangerous)

David has been involved with Project Redsand since late ​2007 and is a highly skilled and experienced ​Mechanic/Welder Fabricator who has worked on a wide ​range of different types of vehicles and machines and ​other Projects in the past such as Coalhouse Fort in East ​Tilbury in Essex please visit He is ​keen historian and is passionate about the preservation of ​the Seaforts and enthusiastically coordinates the ​procurement of materials and Volunteers for our Working ​Party restoration visits. David is also a Corporal in the REME ​Army Reserves 103 BN 128 Sup Coy and a proud father to ​three boys Jacob , Joseph and Joshua. David used to go to ​school in Southend on Sea and was always fascinated in ​the silhouetted structures on the horizon and it wasn't until ​the age of the internet that he understood what they were ​and their importance in Defence and their subsequent ​history due in part to them falling under the Official Secrets ​Act. "Redsands is a totally unique structure and deserves ​preservation for the UK's and the worlds history and the ​countless lives itself and the other Forts helped save in the ​early warning of Axis air raids and subsequent destruction ​of 22 Planes and 33 V1 Doodlebugs. They need to be ​preserved as a testament to our countries already proud ​heritage and to the souls that fought and served on them ​and should not be lost for future generations so they don't ​have to just imagine from a textbook but to gaze and ​literally stand mouth agaped as I always do at their ​Awesomeness!!! And to just enjoy just as I have and always ​will! The old girls still gives me goosebumps to this day ​everytime I come to visit! (Keep It up Ladies!!!) (Please don't ​repeat lol!)"

Steve Christian

Works Co Ordinator (S ​Sgt) (Full Steam ahead ​Mr Christian)

Steve has been a very active volunteer since 2012 he has ​achieved many tasks at the fort and was instrumental in ​the fitment of the new Fendering to replace the original sea ​damaged ones. He first worked on the Swanley to ​Sevenoaks section of the M25 for John Laing Construction. ​Then worked for various house building and construction ​companies for many years working on many Civil ​construction Projects. Steve along with David and Ramon ​Help organise the finer details of our working trips to the ​Sea Forts such so that nobody forgets all the fixings or ​fittings necessary to complete our current task/s etc etc so ​as every job is carried out seamlessly (Weather permitting ​of course!! LOL). "For the past twenty years I have been a ​member of KURG (Kent Underground Research Group) ​working on lots of different subterranean projects. I have ​also worked on the Fan Bay Deep Shelter near Dover for the ​National Trust. I got involved with Redsands quite a few ​years ago and have been out on many workdays ​throughout that time. Excitement, enjoyment and ​wonderment is still there every single time I go out to the ​Forts." "I truly believe it is very important that we need to ​save these Seaforts and historical monuments for future ​generations to enjoy!”

David Jackso​n

Staff Sargeant ( S/ Sgt) ​(Jacko)

Works Co​ Ordina​tor

David Jackson has been involved with Project Redsand ​since 2011 and has completed many tasks including many ​rope access jobs. "Ever since I was a child growing up on ​Canvey island I have looked out on the Thames and often ​wondered what these strange structures were, as I got ​older I came to learn what they were and the significant ​role they played in WW2 with their tally of 22 Planes and 30 ​V1 Doodlebugs! also there fantastic job as an early warning ​system and marvel at the amount of lives that they saved. I ​have always been interested in military history from all ​ages.I am involved with many other projects as a volunteer, ​but Redsand and has its own unique challenges.I travel ​several times a year to Europe to research and photograph ​the remains of conflicts past. I still live in Essex and make ​the pilgrimage when I can to get out to the forts and do my ​bit, I am extremely proud of what we have achieved with ​the little we have had. I will continue to support the project ​into the future".

Being that Redsand Army Sea Forts were originally run by the MOD and in Particular the British Army we are ranking ​ourselves in a Millitary order so as to clearly define our members and their roles.

Support Staff

Daniel Talbot

Welfare Staff

(Captain Capt)(Padre)

Daniel has been involved with Project Redsand since 2017 ​and has been an extremely keen and active member ​towards the tasks set before him. He is also the Projects ​welfare officer due to his very good nature and has ​assumed the Role of the Army Padre. Daniel is also very ​enthusiastic in adding members to his "flock" "The Forts are ​an amazing sight to behold and cant wait to get back out ​there again!"

Yo​ur Name Here

Re​cruitment Officer

Can you spare some Time ? We are always looking for ​skilled people to help us with the restoration effort. Join the ​team if you dare ! Together we can do it ! JOIN THE TEAM

Tr​istan Kavanagh

Project Historian

(S Sgt) (Brains)

Tristan (or as he likes to be known Tris) is a qualified ​Historian with a BA Degree in History from the University of ​Winchester graduate of the class of 2013. A member since ​2022 at 34 is possibly our youngest member. He has always ​had a avid interest in everything historical maritime and ​military.

Born and bred on the Isle of Sheppey (Kent) the Maunsell ​army forts (and in particular Red Sands) have always been ​in his full view all his life.

He knew what they were and knew what they had done ​from a very young age due to a extremely personal ​connection to these incredible structures.

Of the three sets of army forts in the Thames estuary there ​is one collection that do not remain any more; The Nore ​Army sea forts (U-5). Tris’ grandfather was aboard as part ​of the crew when in 1953 a Swedish ship (The Baalbek) got ​lost in fog and smashed into them utterly destroying mostly ​all of it. His grandfather, Michael Kavanagh, was one of only ​3 survivors rescued by the Southend lifeboat.

As a result Tris grew up on stories of the forts and the life on ​board which Michael would tell him and Tris would request ​until he passed away in his 80s.

As one of the historians for the group Tris takes part on ​research and fundraisers but is also happy to muck in with ​the other team members in whatever physical work that ​comes with working with this incredible and unique project.

"What an amazing piece of history! And I'm proud to be a ​member of such an amazing project!"

Being that Redsand Army Sea Forts were originally run by the MOD and in Particular the British Army we are ranking ​ourselves in a Millitary order so as to clearly define our members and their roles.

Charlie Fire Team (Work Team 1) Jacksons Heroes


Ad​am Cutts


(Cuttsy Sr)

Interior​ Refitment and​ Decoration

C​o Ordinat​or

We have assisted various ongoing manoeuvres there - ​mainly helping out with clearance of rubbish, tidying up ​and assisting with lifting heavy stuff like the upright crash ​beams now secured against the landing deck etc

We would very much like to continue - especially on the ​initial kind of idea, which was to help decide, advise, and do ​any imminent restoration work paint wise to the many ​interior surfaces.

There is a lot of potential to reinstate various 'lost' colour ​schemes in a sympathetic approach to the 1940's ​appearance .

I am a full time scenic artist and designer in telly, films etc, ​used to location work bespoke to countless different criteria ​and surfaces .

We made an initial plan to wire brush, wire wool, and prime ​various dilapidated metal surfaces - starting in the room ​where the log burner was installed.

I know logistics and various other things have changed in ​our absence over the last few years, but would always be ​up for further involvement with Project Redsands overall!

Wi​ll Smith

Gunner (Gnr) ​(Smudge)

Media​ Assista​nt

Hi all my names Will & i’m an Urban Explorer extraordinaire, i ​take many picture with my camera on my travels as filming ​too, i love anything with a bit of History from WW2 to Cold ​War, i consider to be a bit of an entertaining guy to brighten ​up your day, i also share my travels with my crew of ​explorers on my YouTube - SuperPopBro

“The Forts are simply Stunning!”

An​thony Counsell

Gunner (Gnr) (Lofty) ​Welder / Fabricator

Anthony joined the Project in 2021 after hearing about it ​during his time with the Army Reserves with 128 Div Sup Coy ​103 Bn REME based in Portsmouth. Always a keen Historian, ​ Anthony has previously visited many Military sites current​ and Ex and has been particularly impressed with the​ Redsand Towers as he is an Engineer by trade. "Once I​ found about the Project to restore these amazing structures​ I knew I had received my volunteer calling."​

Dave Williams

Lance Corporal (L/Cpl)​(Bungy)

Welder / Fabricator​

Dave lives just outside Portsmouth and has been involved ​with the Project since 2017. And is a very keen amateur ​historian, Having appeared on various TV programs being a ​WW2 Reenactor. His passion for the forts was ignited after ​reading about them in a history book and then researching ​them on the internet and after many hours spent doing this ​approached the Project and arranged to attend a work ​party trip and was instrumental in the finishing and weather ​proofing of the first room which is now ready for the ​finishing of the interior and final fitment (Full report to ​follow) including the reinstatement of the original light ​fittings. Dave is also a member of 128 Fd Coy 103 Bn REME ​and is employed there as a Metalsmith , He is also an ​accomplished Welder / Fabricator in Civvy Street. "Project ​Redsands is a fantastic vision for The Redsand Army Sea ​Forts and I am proud to part of the restoration team."

Pa​ul Ruskin

LCpl (Lance ​Corporal)(T​ed)

Paul has always loved the Seaforts ever since he first saw ​them back in 2010. He spends a lot of time in ​Whitstable/Tankerton albeit on a short break or just visiting ​for the day Paul has been instrumental with the window ​reinstatement program being up until 0400 some mornings ​manufacturing some of the fittings and fixtures . "I've been ​involved with the Project Redsand since 2017 , Absolutely ​blown away by the place and I,m still in shock and Awe ​everytime I come to visit. I'm absolutely dedicated to this ​wonderful piece of Engineering/History and the brilliant job ​the Project achieves with the very little we have and the ​limited funds allbeing Weather dependant of course.

Mi​chael Banham

Craftsman (Cfn)

(Big and Daft)

Trainee Welder F​abricator

Michael Banham also lives on Canvey Island with a very ​similar story to David Jackson. Having lived there all his life ​he has always been fascinated with them and like us all he ​was stunned by the first time he visited. "I was meant to go ​visit them thanks to the help from David Foulkes with my ​Dad but sadly cancer destroyed that plan as he got ill too ​fast & then died about 16 weeks ago". " I like to donate some ​of my free time to the project because I know that my old ​man would be looking down & be proud as I am helping ​such a good cause. I am 30 years old & a Army Reserve PT ​Instructor and also hope to Achieve P company in the near ​future so can help with labouring & lifting plus I am a ​qualified mechanic in Civvy Street and the Army Reserves ​as also part of 103 Bn REME so can help with fixing & ​maintenance tasks!" Michael is also hoping to learn to weld ​to help bolster his Fabrication Skills and aid the Project.

Glynn Povey​

Staff Sargeant (SSgt) ​(Gaffer Jip)

Concrete Repairs ​Specialist works Co ​Ordinator

Glynn is a recent addition to the project having joined us during Covid.

He is an amateur Historian and his passion for the Forts was ignited from his interest in Coastal Defence over the years.

Currently owning his own building company for which he is the Company director Glynn is very well versed in the skills involved with carrying out the minor repairs to the spalling on the concrete legs. Also having Design fabrication and installation experience with Nico global automotive Robotic systems. And having worked extensively in Commercial Facilities management. His other skills include Medic First responder, Oxygen Provider , RYA -Level 2 Powerboat Handling Marine radio VHF. Hobbies Include Diving/underwater photography , WW2 history/battlefields and defence’s , Sunken wreck history and exploration , Fishing and has also had a few active adventures in Motor sport. Working along side our Concrete expert and the rest of the team he is currently working out a way to cleanly shutter the new concrete after the clearing up of the existing rebar has been thoroughly cleaned of loose material and corrosion treated. Also being a qualified Rescue /Recovery Diver will also be going on a treasure hunt around the bases looking for historical cast offs whilst conducting a structural survey below the waterline. To quote "I'm Striving alongside the rest of the sometimes over enthusiastic team to crack on and just get them done after the last momentum was lost due to the onset of the Pandemic and its subsequent lockdowns to! The team and I have prepared all the necessary paperwork for these endeavors and we are just finalising the last few pieces of tooling and equipment to make a very BIG visual impact on G1!! I'm itching to finally be able to get my teeth into the Project as I am overwhelmed with the sheer scale of these water born majestic ladies who have stood so proud for so many years guarding our Foreshores! And I am most excited by the fact of a Treasure Hunt beneath the waves!" Having worked at Ford Motor Company at Dagenham where he qualified for his Technical Apprenticeship in 1987 as an Electrical/Mechanical Engineer ,

Delta Fire Team (Work Team 2) Drew's Ducklings

Dr​ew Johnstone

Sgt Major

(The S​gt Major) Mechanic​al Engine​er

Drew first came out to the Forts in 2009 and has been ​involved with various tasking's within the Project he is a ​keen sailor and simply loves the Sea and History ​particularly anything Military based . A Retired Warrant ​Officer 1st Class who served 40 years as a Reservist serving ​with various units and laterly 169 Fd Coy 103 Bn REME. Drew ​is an accomplished Welder / Fabricator and is also a ​Mechanical Engineer he now drives Dangerous goods ​vehicles namely Petrol tankers. Always keen to help out one ​of his passions is taking the helm of X-Pilot to safely ​navigate us from shore to the Towers.

"I absolutely love it out there the Forts are a wonderful sight ​to behold and I'm proud to be involved with their ​Restoration! I'm hooked."

"We will make these old girl's sparkle once more!"

Rober​t Wells

G​unner (Gnr) (Wellsy)

Rob joined us approximately 18 months ago and he is ​another Fort Fanatic ! He was born and bred in Bethnal ​Green in the east end of London in 1975. Raised between ​London and the Kent coast in Leysdown on sea on the Isle ​of Sheppey. Have spent his life making and breaking things, ​mending and bending and learning along the way. Since ​childhood he has had a keen interest in all things military ​and especially all things WW2, from the machinery to the ​logistics of it all especially how the railways of Kent helped ​so much leading upto D-Day. I still remember playing inside ​bombed out buildings and derelict prefabs "built after the ​war" in the early 80s. Rob has joined the Project to help in ​any way he can to make sure this part of our history is ​preserved, not forgotten and left for others to remember ​and learn from and hopefully in the near future to come ​and visit. He is a trade qualified carpenter and bricklayer ​but can turn his hand to most things {plumbing, painting ​and decorating, tiling} so the company that he works for ​can give him the glorious title of "multi-trader". "With my ​upbringing in Kent one of my earliest memories are of ​seeing the Forts in the distance from the Beach and always ​wondered what they were! I tend to be pretty good when it ​comes to working with my hands and getting things done ​aka "hard graft". Never afraid to muck in, take one for the ​team and do the things others may not want to, if i can find ​a way of doing it i'll get it done because i won't let it beat ​me! and this proud piece of our nations history needs to be ​preserved for our future generations!"

Oision Cutz

Gunner (Gnr)

(Cuttsy​ Jr​)

We have assisted various ongoing manoeuvres there - ​mainly helping out with clearance of rubbish, tidying up ​and assisting with lifting heavy stuff like the upright crash ​beams now secured against the landing deck etc

We would very much like to continue - especially on the ​initial kind of idea, which was to help decide, advise, and do ​any imminent restoration work paint wise to the many ​interior surfaces.

There is a lot of potential to reinstate various 'lost' colour ​schemes in a sympathetic approach to the 1940's ​appearance .

I am a full time scenic artist and designer in telly, films etc, ​used to location work bespoke to countless different ​criteria and surfaces .

We made an initial plan to wire brush, wire wool, and prime ​various dilapidated metal surfaces - starting in the room ​where the log burner was installed.

I know logistics and various other things have changed in ​our absence over the last few years, but would always be ​up for further involvement with Project Redsands overall!

C​had Giles

Corporal (Cpl)​

(Pte Godfrey) Welder ​/ ​Fabricator

Chad has been a member of the Project since 2017 He has ​travelled up from his home in Dorset on several occasions ​to attend working party trips. He has always been ​fascinated with the Towers after first hearing about them ​on social media. Chad is also a Welder Fabricator / ​Electrical Engineer and an Ex Serving member of 128 Fd Coy ​103 Bn REME based at Portsmouth. "A destination well worth ​saving not just from a historical point of view but also from ​an Engineering Stance!”

M​at Halliday

Craftsman (Cfn) ​(Private Pike) Trainee ​Welder / Fabricator

Mat has been involved with the Project since 2017 when he ​first attended one of our working weekend trips and has ​been a steadfast welders mate ever since. His Fabrication ​skills are already high and he is always willing to try out a ​new challenge. He is currently learning to weld aswell as ​Michael Banham. "I went out there after hearing so much ​about them and seeing them on the horizon. Having being ​given an opportunity to become part of the work team I ​was absolutely Gobsmacked by the sight of them and the ​hairs on the back of my neck still stand up with each visit."

Ben Tester

Ben Tester,

Joined the project this year after meeting the Redsands ​Team at Fort Luton which is part of the Chatam Lines.

I have always had a passion for military history especially ​the more interesting projects that have been run in the ​past.

Since moving to Kent a few years ago I have explored the ​vast array of forts that can be found in the area.

It has been a dream of mine to learn more about the ​Maunsell Forts, I couldn’t believe my luck when I met the ​team restoring them at Fort Luton where they were ​supporting an open day which interestingly enough was ​the Command Centre and coodinators of all of the 40mm ​Bofors and 3.7 inch HAA Guns in the Thames and Medway ​estuaries!!

These guys are super passionate about saving them for ​generations to come!

I had the opportunity to visit the forts for the first time in ​July 24, the second we approached I knew this was a ​project I wanted to be involved in.

Redsands doesn’t only have a unique military history but ​has a place in history, for the amazing part it and the other ​Maunsell forts played in the part of pirate radio.

I come from an engineering background, I cut my teeth ​working in dry docks across the UK and Europe, this ​eventually led to an interesting career in the heating ​industry.

I feel passionately that Redands should survive for future ​generations, and contribute in any way that I can.

Corporal (Cpl) (Popeye)

Works Co Ordinator



Project Redsand is run entirely by volunteers and is funded ​by donations our rank structure is designed to show our ​roles in the Project and how they would fit into a British ​Military Set up But this in no way reflects any current British ​Military rankings